Problems in Personal Mastery LO25015

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 07/02/00

Replying to LO25007 --

Hi Bill

This is a very contentious issue, about personal growth, I believe that
everyone has a specific queue, something specific that can open his or her
mind it is totally personal.

e.g. When Stephen Covey found the gap between thought and response for him
that was the break through
e.g. Tony Robbins found the one breakthrough was personal power (action)

Most of us normal people find something specific that overcomes the mental
lethargy of fear and depletion.

I can cite hundreds of these things and each is totally unique to that

For myself when I found the tension between what I feared and what I
needed and desired.

This is a personal journey there are no Budda's out there, nobody can tell
what this is. But what I do know when you find it, it is like a thunder
bolt, I wanted to tell and share this with the world but nobody really
cares because mine is for me and yours is for you. The light does not go
on with anothers key, it goes on only with yours.

If we could take everyones specific life task (billions) we would then
begin to see some grains of the fabric of universal truth.

happy searching when you find it share it with me.


Bill Braun wrote:

> I was describing a mental model about Personal Mastery that I find myself
> succumbing to with some frequency. Seen from a distance it might even be
> rightly accused of being Non-Personal Mastery or Anti-Personal Mastery.
> I perceive that goals, when reached, are grounds for bragging rights.
> Bragging is not a learning process as I perceive it. Ideals, being
> unreachable, but always pursued, nudge me in the direction of asking
> questions, dialogue and learning.
> I meant to say that giving up Personal Mastery as an objective or a goal
> may shift some mental models and transform me in some small way into a
> seeker and a learner.
> I've been trying to carefully listen to my own words and tone of voice
> when I'm in front of a class of students. The more I listen the more I
> sound self-absorbed. I can't be learning that much in that mode.
> Without knowing what I mean by it (in specific terms), I sense that I'm
> lacking humility and as a consequence I'm not very grateful for what I
> have learned. Being ungrateful seems to block finding that deep sense of
> service to others.
> I'm trying to sense my way through this rather than think my way through
> it. Can one intellectually find humility? I'd be grateful for some
> thoughts.


Gavin Ritz <>

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