Problems in Personal Mastery LO25029

From: Marie Delaney (
Date: 07/04/00

Replying to LO25015 --

Hello, I am a somewhat regular reader to this posting and was prompted to
respond to the notes concerning the personal journey to overcoming mental
lethargy. Such journeys are of course better shared with fellow travelers,
and those seeking similar goals will be more receptive (Stephen Covey etc
sell millions!). You note that 'there is no Buddha out there'..... the
Buddha was not a god but a person who attained enlightenment through his
own journey and then died of old age. My little understanding of Buddhism
teaches me that the path to enlightenment is a very personal journey
illuminated by shared ideas, thoughts and feelings..

Fear is a significant obstacle in my personal growth. It is an experience
of the body and the mind. For me overcoming lethargy and fear involves a
daily practice (when I remember) of shifting energy from a dormant state
to more of a 'rising to the occasion' or mindful state and focusing on
what really matters, consciously discarding that which is distracting. I
don't think it involves intellect (problem solving and reasoning) as much
as mindfulness and awareness of what is going on at any given moment.
Many thanks to you all for your thoughtful contributions - I especially
like the idea of a being in a head stand with small animals grazing around

>This is a very contentious issue, about personal growth, I believe that
>everyone has a specific queue, something specific that can open his or her
>mind it is totally personal.

Marie Delaney
ARTD Management and Research
75 Dalhousie Street
Haberfield NSW 2045
ph: 02 97164500
fax: 02 9716 4300


Marie Delaney <>

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