Evaluating Training and Development LO25259

From: Fred Nickols (nickols@att.net)
Date: 08/31/00

Replying to LO25254 --

Gene Taurman writes:

> >Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas the types of outcomes I would
> >recommend to use in evaluating on training program and which evaluation
> >design I would use?
>There is only one purpose for training. To improve the way work is done.
>There fore the measure of training is the rate of improvement of the
>processes used to serve the customer.

Improving the way work is done is certainly one purpose for training but I
don't think it is the only purpose. Another that comes quickly to mind is
to ensure the work gets done properly. To improve the way work is done
assumes the work is already being done and the goal of training is to
improve upon that. Training is often conducted in the course of
introducing new processes, procedures and systems. In such cases, the
work itself is new and is not already being performed. The same is true
with respect to many new hires; that is, the aim is more to ensure the
work gets done properly than it is to improve upon the way the work gets
done. Currently, in some companies and in some areas of the military,
training is being offered in part as a recruiting and retention device.
Training is also used at times as a communication device, as a vehicle for
getting out the word. On and on the list goes. Training is put to many
uses and these uses reflect the purposes of the users.

I agree with Gene's view that the evaluation of training must be linked to
the purpose of the training. Because these purposes can vary, the design
and conduct of the evaluation varies, too.

On my web site you will find a couple of articles relevant to this
discussion. Both are in the section on Training and Human Performance.
One is titled A Strategic View of Training and the other is titled The
Evaluation of Training. The latter is being reprinted in the 2001 ASTD
Training & Performance Yearbook.

Hope this helps...


Fred Nickols The Distance Consulting Company "Assistance at A Distance" http://home.att.net/~nickols/distance.htm nickols@att.net (609) 490-0095

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