Senge Perverted LO25413

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 10/05/00

Replying to LO25404 --

At de Lange wrote:

>I think that Senge was aware of this
>. one(LO)-to-many(5displines)-mapping
>when he warned that the five disiciplines should not be used as
>a recipe for the transformation of an organisation into a LO.

Senge ends his tapes on the Fifth Discipline with: "One person trying to
bring about change in an organization will get creamed, no matter who he
is. Two persons can commiserate. Three people become the beginnings of a
full fledged conspiracy."

Abbreviated I have also noted from the tapes on how to get started with
LO: "Learn how to beat the path as we walk it. Start where you start [AS A
LO]. You don't need all disciplines, EVENTUALLY they are all important.
One setting: Sometimes people are so beaten down by current reality, that
it is just painful to look at current reality. Start to talk about what
you want to create. Other setting: People realize that vision without
talking about current reality is ultimately pointless. It generates no
energy. Third setting: People did not realize the difference between
assumptions on current reality and actual facts. Where are the
undiscussables? Generally: Where is the stuckness? Where is it not moving
forward? No aspiration? No ability to talk with one another? Do we need to
distinguish events, behavior, structure? Eventually all disciplines
matter, but there is no formular for how to put them together. It is more
like life."

A LO may emerge as a three-people conspiracy and then grow in its
disciplines qualitatively and also quantitatively by feeding on the rest
of the organization.


In reality, usually the empire strikes back as soon as the initiative, the
newly emerged germ causes the warning lamps of the old paradigm to alarm.
Think of Smuts in South Africa or Allende in Chile. Think of the many
local implementations of TOC which could not spread and grow. How many
LO-initiatives do sustain themselves? Are CoP really allowed to controll
change? And if the initiative succeeds, the empire lifts its head from
within. Think of Robbespiere, Lenin/Stalin, Mao Tse Tung.

What about a 'theory of empires striking back' and its corresponding
'practice of unconditional love'? There are examples as well: Jesus,
Gandhi, King, Senge refer also to Spartacus - although admittedly not much
more than sparks of hope shining only a little while.

Meanwhile I wish you all to take care of your free energy and to learn the
dance of LEP on LEC. "Learn how to beat the path as we walk it. Start
where you start..." The art of one-to-many-mapping.

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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