360 degree feedback processes LO25414

From: Doug Merchant (dougm@eclipse.net)
Date: 10/05/00

Replying to LO25407 --

>From: "Dr. Peter A. Hubbard"
>Can anyone offer guidance in finding state of the art literature on 360
>degree feedback processes?
>We're looking for something that links/builds/fits comfortably into the
>LO mantra.

A discussion of the 360 Degree Feedback Process is a good vehicle to
clarify our thinking about Learning Organizations. Specifically:

How does our mental models about learning organizations inform our
decisions about "where and how the 360 feedback is fedback to the
organization"? Who owns the feedback data?

Let me suggest three alternatives:

1) the feedback is fedback to the subject and they "owned" the data;
hopefully the subject will use the data to more effectively modify their
behavior; the learning is stored with the subject

2) the feedback is fedback to the subject's boss and they "own" the data;
hopefully the boss will use the data to more effectively manage and help
develop the subject and/or to restructure the position, e.g., incentives,
job definition; the learning may be stored with the boss or in the job
structure etc.

3) the feedback is fedback to the organization at large as an internally
public good; others in the organizations will use the data to make better
informed decision about their interactions with the subject in question;
the learning is stored in the pattern of decisions others make in regards
to their interactions with the subject

Under alternatives 2 & 3 the 360 feedback process can enable the
organization to learn without the subject of the 360 process learning

Doug Merchant


"Doug Merchant" <dougm@eclipse.net>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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