360 degree feedback processes LO25415

From: Gurvis, Joan (gurvisj@leaders.ccl.org)
Date: 10/05/00

Replying to LO25407 --

There are many 360 degree instruments, and literature as well. Your focus
will depend obviously on how the 360 degree instrument will be used (
coaching, 1:1 feedback, succession planning etc.)

The Center for Creative Leadership has three publications which you may
find helpful:

Choosing 360 A guide to evaluating multirater feedback instruments for
Management Development-Van Velsor, Leslie and Fleenor
Enhancing 360 Feedback for Senior Executives - how to maximize the benefits
and minimize the risks - Kaplan and Palus
Leadership Resources a guide to training and development tools


Joan Gurvis
Senior Program Associate

Center for Creative Leadership
One Leadership Place
Post Office Box 26300
Greensboro, NC 27438-6300

Telephone (336) 286 4594
Facsimile (336) 288 3999

> Can anyone offer guidance in finding state of the art literature on 360
> degree feedback processes?
> We're looking for something that links/builds/fits comfortably into the LO
> mantra.


"Gurvis, Joan" <gurvisj@leaders.ccl.org>

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