What is Structure? LO25592

From: Folke Günther (Folke.Gunther@humecol.lu.se)
Date: 11/07/00

Replying to LO25499 --

David Wilkinson wrote:

> My question is - What is structure in a system? Is it visible, invisible
> or both? Is it formal or informal or both? What is it?

In an article written some years ago (Günther, F. and C. Folke, 1993.
Characteristics of Nested Living Systems Journal of Biological Systems, 1
(3), p 257-274 ), I and my colleague tried to define 'structure' as:
Information plus materia



Folke Günther +46 (0)46/ 14 14 29 el. +46 (0)46/222 36 98. Kollegievägen 19, 224 73 Lund, Sweden URL: http://etnhum.etn.lu.se/~fg/index.htm

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