Control within or without the system? LO25623

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 11/13/00

Replying to LO25606 --

At de Lange wrote:

>...for me leadership is knowing, among other things, where the centre of
>control should be -- within the system or outside it. For me it should
>be within the system.
>This internal leadership requires that other systems outside the system
>should act with stewardship. In other words, leadership and stewardship
>form a complementary dual.

Dear all,

I am sure that many of you have lots of authentically learned lessons to
share on the content of above quoted paragraph.

Just to start: It is not so easy in our company to get approval for
investment. The easiest way is to show that market demand exceeds
capacity. For me this shows that leadership is a sort of a hot potatoe: As
soon as the centre of control threatens to move into the organization, it
is thrown back into the market.

This may an example of the stance of rote organizational behaviour: Let
the surrounding systems (stakeholder) dictate what to do.

I am especially eager to hear examples of how to keep control within,
while performing stewardship to your environment!

Liebe Gruesse,


P.S.: It happens that (in order to maintain control of himself within
himself?) my son demands stewardship vehemently from the rest of the
family. What is the difference between "vehemently demanded stewardship"
of a child and "dictatorship" of an adult?


"Winfried Dressler" <>

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