examples of LOs LO25640

From: Vana Prewitt (Vana@PraxisLearning.com)
Date: 11/14/00

A Korean colleague wrote to us about his question:

> So, in MIS textbook, I learned about LO(Learning Organization ).I can
> understand
> what's the meaning of the LO just a little. but, it's not enough to
> me.
> so, if you don't mind,can you send the example about LO's application
> in
> company to me?

This is a very simple explanation from my world of computer technology. I
work for a dot-com start-up. We are moving very fast and bypassing all of
the traditional rules about planning, researching, etc. in our business
development. In this industry, speed is the competitive advantage.

Our people are brilliant and productive. They learn a lot as they do
their work. Unfortunately, they do not spend the time that would be
prudent to document what they are learning or share it systematically with
others who could make important, strategic, and valuable decisions with
the knowledge others have.

My LO design is to bring knowledge and needs together in whatever format
is needed to achieve the organizational goals as effectively and
efficiently as possible. For the most part, these are appropriate
communication tools, and some innovative techniques developed by others.
We conduct "lunch and learn" sessions to transfer most of the "soft
skills" because our staff would never go out for training of this type. A
lot of learning is available over the Internet. We are custom designing
an orientation program that will be self-directed over our Intranet. And
we've started a series of strategic partner meetings (communities of
practice) for sharing lessons learned during the prior 2 weeks. I'm most
excited by a document management and control system we are installing that
will prevent version control problems with organizational knowledge.

kind regards,

Vana Prewitt


Vana Prewitt <Vana@PraxisLearning.com>

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