Blind still leading the blind LO25664

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 11/17/00

Replying to LO25655 --

Feel me, see me, hear me, i says.

Brian answered:

> > - Hundreds of people can talk, for one who can think. Thousands of people
> > can think, for one who can see. -
> Many of those who see are denied by those who think and talk.



Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development mind@work - est. 1998 - Group Decision Process Support Mobilé - Performance Improvement Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -

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