Knowledge Structuring LO25751

From: Winfried Deijmann (
Date: 12/05/00

replying to: Knowledge structuring LO25719 From: Denham Grey


> Structure can be expressed by association: i,e, semantic, spatial,
> temporal, or affinity / proximity, by show the hierarchical connections
> and captured in a meta statement. Interestingly enough I hear very
> little about structure, ontology development, visualization or
> clustering in the more recent KM literature. We are seeing some
> interesting tools which can cluster automatically and adjust the link
> strength depending of usage

> How do you personally keep track?, reduce the many items that float
> over your desk?, keep your cognitive system within bounds?

Dear Denham,

You have written an excellent ontology
< > on Knowledge
Structuring. It is very helpful for my own research.

There is an other remarkable paradox I hear very little about, that so far
has been left out in the discussion about Knowledge Structuring and
Knowledge Management:

>The essence of Knowledge Structuring and Managing engages

Feeling is the faculty par excellence by which to express how one thing
relates to another: how fact relates to norm, how forms, colors, tones
relate to each other, how people relate to each other and finally also how
I myself relate to all this. This is where Knowledge management meets
Personal Mastery.

I am working on a paper in which I am trying to capture such a meta
statement you ask for. I describe how to use just one simple referential
framework with only five components to structure knowledge in connection
to extensive conversation- and problem typology, reflective dialogue and
generative dialogue.

The visualization of this meta-statement can be found on my website:
< >

I hope this interests you, and I am looking forward to comments
and questions.

Winfried Deijmann


Mr. Winfried M. Deijmann - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artist, Consultant and Facilitator for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events <> Phone + Fax: +31-(0)575-522076 personal websites: International: <> Dutch:<>

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