Because, because, because LO25977

Date: 01/23/01

Replying to LO25948 --

Dear At,

You wrote in Dialogue, language, learning LO25948,

> You will remember that entropy gets produced by entropic force-flux pairs.
> To become formally aware of an entropic force or an entropic flux, one
> must become aware of intensive and extensive properties. To become aware
> of an intensive property or an extensive property, one must scale the
> system up or down. Those properties which scales as the whole system
> scales, are extensive. Those properties which stays the same (or change
> far less than the scaling) are intensive. A difference in an intensive
> property is an entropic force while a change in an extensive property is
> an entropic flux. Now why all this talk?


> You will remember that entropy gets produced by entropic force-flux pairs.
> To become formally aware of an entropic force or an entropic flux, one
> must become aware of intensive and extensive properties. To become aware
> of an intensive property or an extensive property, one must scale the
> system up or down. Those properties which scales as the whole system
> scales, are extensive. Those properties which stays the same (or change
> far less than the scaling) are intensive. A difference in an intensive
> property is an entropic force while a change in an extensive property is
> an entropic flux.



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