Mission vs. Vision LO26777

From: Chris Klopper (syntagm@icon.co.za)
Date: 06/05/01

Replying to LO26745 --

>From: "AM de Lange" <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za>

> By the way, I have given Chris Klopper a copy of the tentative manuscript
> describing it, but he never has commented one word on it. I mention this
> not to pressurise him, but just to thank him for participating in a
> experiment.
> It has brought me once again under the impression how important the Law
> of Requisite Complexity (LRC) is in our learning. Swim, Chris, swim ;-)

Dear Felicia, At and LO'vers

It is a matter of sink or thwim :>)

[Host's Note: Hmm... think or thwim ?? ..Rick]

To have a copy of ( a chapter) of the manuscript of At's book ranks with
having a map to Atlantis, or a ticket to the moon. I cherish it as a rare
priviledge. However, it should not be issued without a serious health
warning. At this time I can handle only small doses. At, I am doing the
best I can by developing a wider context to understand better what you
have discovered.

Felicia, I can say this much with utter conviction: whatever I thought I
knew about visions and missions has all but imploded. At is drawing *the *
definitive framework for understanding the concepts vision and mission. I
hope to make a contribution in this direction soon.

kindest regards (from a fervent Aussie fan)



"Chris Klopper" <syntagm@icon.co.za>

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