What is THE problem? LO26893

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@gold.up.ac.za)
Date: 06/26/01

Replying to LO26856 --

Dear Organlearners,

Leo Minnigh <l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl> writes in
a rich contribution the following upon my

>>To understand what I mean by the consternation,
>>here is a simple (and thus not a good MonCat) example.
>>. Solve the problem, given three apples and the
>>. price of pears is 50 cents each.

>At's problem is a peculiar one. It seems that it only
>consists of elements and characteristics. Things that
>usually are hidden in a problem. Here, it is the otherway
>round. Is At stimulating us in the attitude to find and
>see problems, where must people (colleagues) don't see

Greetings dear Leo,

I burn with fever to say more, but I must not.

>At, before reading further, could you give me also
>an example of a LimBeg-problem? :-)

I called those problems MonCat problems because during the fifteen years
of learning (involving much errors) by myself how to construct them, I
became intuitively aware of three pesisting patterns in them. It took me
an immense amount of free energy to finally articulate two of them as
monadicity and categoricity. I was bussy on the third one's articulation
when I began to search for the second bridge between the material and the
mental world (LEP being the first), this took all the power of my

I did not expect these three intuitive patterns to appear in the second
bridge, but they did and they were also the first three of eventually
seven patterns. Only afterwards I began to perceive that all seven these
patterns were so peculiar of MonCat problems. So, keeping a secret (which
you did not tell me) what a LimBeg problem is, I will formulate you a
LimBeg problem too:
. Solve the problem, given three apples and
. the price of pears is 50 cents each.

Dear Leo, if you can read between the lines because I suspect that you
were writing between the lines, please keep tacit what you know even when
you burn with fever to tell it.

One other fellow learner has made my soul dance with laughter and sing
with joy. I have begged him/her to keep silence as I am begging you too.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@gold.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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