What is THE problem? LO26925

From: Leo Minnigh (l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl)
Date: 07/02/01

Replying to LO26909 --

Replying to LO26909

Dear Winfried and probably other LO'ers,

Your confusion was frozen in the following words:
> Really, I have virtually ;-) no idea, what this is about
> ("consternation"). But I am in a writing mood today, so another one...

> As a LimBeg problem I may choose on the amount and ratio of apples and
> pears I wish, checking for the price I can gain per apple. Perhaps I will
> add double value to the apples by cutting them into quaters (value for the
> buyer), keeping the pips to grow apple trees (value for me, although with
> considerable time lag).

> >I burn with fever to say more, but I must not.
> Now I burn to hear more!

Well Winfried, is it not a nice (new) feeling to be confused and not
knowing your way in the dark?

I have long thought about my answer which I wrote in my former
contribution, introducing this 'LimBeg'-thing. Just to show At that I
recognised the meaning of 'MonCat'. It surprised me at that time that
no-one had asked about the meaning of that word.

But this 'answer' I wrote was not my first idea. My first idea was to
write a story of 3 apples and pears of 60 cents. A story of the Paradise
and Eve playing with seductive apples which were given to her. This story
or fairy tail was written by a writer behind his Apple PC, while eating a
pear of 60 cents.

Winfried, please let your thoughts meander in a free way, don't let it
become an obsession.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
        Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl>

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