Wholeness and Evolution of Knowledge. LO27068

From: Dressler, Winfried (Winfried.Dressler@Voith.com)
Date: 07/26/01

Replying to LO27043 --

Dear At,

It is a while ago that I have responded directly to one of your mails.
Meanwhile I find so many examples in others mails that I concentrate on
making connections. This is now a good occasion to thank you for all your
effort you are taking with us.

>Entropy production itself
>is always manifested as increasing chaos in the present order. But by now
>bringing in at least wholeness (all have to be divided) and sureness (by
>precisely the temperature) into the picture of entropy production, this
>entropy production can become manifested in order rather than chaos for
>the physical world!

I am stuck on this paragraph. If Entropy production itself is always
manifested as increasing chaos in the present order, this means to me that
it can manifest as order only as a subsequent transformation of a kind I
cannot imagine: this transformation would be a change of organization
(from chaos to order) which itself would require entropy production (which
would be increasing chaos of which order?). I understand that this change
of organization from chaos to order is at the heart of the bifurcation
event and that here is the place where the 7E's play the most crucial role
as the necessary conditions for an emergence of new order. But what has
the dividing by the temperature of the force-flux-pair to do with the
possibility that entropy production can become manifested in order?

Later you write:
>How will we ever measure "temperature" in the spiritual world? It is easy
>to do so in the physical world -- we use a thermometer! The closest we
>can get spiritually to "temperature" is temperament.

I think that also for the spiritual world temperature remains temperature,
around 37 degrees celsius for humans. This specific temperature for the
whole body (= total organization, physical, mental and spiritual) could
play the role of wholeness and sureness as you described above.

The temperament is something else. I think that "temperament" is the way
how forces are translated into fluxes, how much or little force is needed
to create a certain flux. In physics, the "temperament" of a conductor
would be it's resistance. The traditional 4 temperaments are taken in
analogy of differently thick body fluids like the very thin fluid blood
for the sanguine person. The temperament is thus a response function,
which has to be taken into account (sureness) for the "staggering" of a
certain person as response to "tension". Instead of examining
force/flux-pairs, one may also study tension/temperament-pairs. When you
say that you "cannot find yet any identification by him [Goethe] for the
flow", I am wondering about the role he gave to the temperament of his

Because the spiritual world (level of order) is complementarily bound to
the physical/chemical/biological part of the body and requires relatively
fixed temperature of this substrate to emerge at all, I found that
practically the temperature playes no role in spiritual entropy production
(provided the temperature is not "seriously impaired"). So in order to
trace entropy production in the spiritual world it is usually sufficient
to concentrate on spiritual force-flux-pairs, alone. What I find
interesting here is, that these pairs seem to occur in a staggering order
as well, like emotion/intellect? as a relatively low level order or the
pair which manifests as imagination as a higher level order. But I have
just started to think in this direction.

Looking forward to the outcome when my thoughts meet your thinking.

Liebe Gruesse,


"Dressler, Winfried" <Winfried.Dressler@Voith.com>

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