Leadership program.. Competencies LO27089

From: Don Dwiggins (d.l.dwiggins@computer.org)
Date: 08/02/01

Replying to LO26904 --

Julie Beedon writes:
> The whole idea of training or competence development is one aspect of LO
> which bothers me. It seems to me that we have taken some things which
> are/could be deep human yearnings

> to understand our world and the bigger picture (systems thinking)
> to share with others in creating something bigger than ourselves (shared
> vision)
> to grow and learn (personal mastery)
> to building meaning and share understanding with others (mental models)
> to connect with others and develop relationships (team learning)

> and made them into things we judge others by.

> In doing so we risk the failure of the endeavour........... for we become an
> ideology with true believers and nonbelievers or a training programme with
> levels of expertise. In doing so we create a gap between those who do and
> those who don't which increases resistance.

> Better by far that we tap into what people want to discover for themselves
> rather than judge them against set criteria and set them up to be judging
> each other........??

Take a look at the "deemster problem" messages from September 1998
(http://www.learning-org.com/98.09/thread.html -- look for "The "deemster"
problem" about 1/3 of the way down). I think you'll find some interesting
resonances with your points; let us know if you find useful connections.
Some of us might find it worthwhile to have another round of this topic.

[Host's Note: It's at http://www.learning-org.com/98.09/thread.html#107 ]

Best regards,


Don Dwiggins "Unless you fail at more than 10% of the things you try, d.l.dwiggins@computer.org you aren't trying enough things." -- Jack Cohen, coauthor of "The Collapse of Chaos"

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