Performance Appraisal LO27310

From: Amanda Pokryfke (
Date: 09/27/01


I found your e-mail address as a link for a Learning Organizations
listserv at

I am a graduate student and am looking for a discussion which took place
on the cost/ROI of performance reviews. This conversation was initiated
by Fred Nickols around 1995/1996.

The research I am doing for school requires in-depth data around the
factors respondents used to calculate cost estimates of performance
appraisals. I am looking for any information you may have regarding this.

Thank you so much for your help.

Amanda Pokryfke
Elmhurst College

[Host's Note: I have already replied to Amanda with this limited
info... Additional comments are welcome.

>Hello Amanda --
>try a search at Google
>In the search box, type
> performance nickols
>You'll find quite a bit.
>One thread in particular is
>Good luck with your project.
> -=- Rick ]


Amanda Pokryfke <>

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