Ethics and social justice LO27667

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 01/02/02

Replying to LO27649 --

I think the answer to this problem lies in Employee Share Ownership
Programs, Productivity Gainsharing and Open Book Management. A good place
to start is with an ISO9000 based management manual. When employee have a
'piece of the action' and attend shareholder meetings, I think that is
healthy. An employee who has shares in his company will not often go on
strike just get to a horse race meeting (actually happened where I
worked). How many workers go to work with the mindset 'how can I do this
job better' ?

ISO9000 is based on continual improvement. While the therapeutic lie
exists, this will never be achieved over an extended period.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


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