Article on utility of theory? LO27715

From: Malcolm Burson (
Date: 01/27/02

Replying to LO27676 --

Replying to LO27676 --
On January 8, Steve Wehrenberg wrote,
>Many years ago (6-7) I recall reading a short article from something like
> HBR, Sloan Management Review, or the like (probably not those
> specifically, though), the overall thesis of which was: contrary to the
> oponions of most managers, developing a good "theory" is an important and
> necessary part of managing, and that tangible practice without theory is
> as likely to be dysfunctional as not.
> Does anyone on the list recall such an article? If so, can you cite it or
> point me toward it?

Steve, I'm not familiar with the article in question, but it must surely
stem from Kurt Lewin's well-known dictum, "There's nothing so practical as
a good theory." And I'm pretty sure doing some internet searching from
there will get you to your lost article.

Malcolm Burson
Maine Department of Environmental Protection


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