Fool New Year's Eve LO28111

Date: 03/29/02

Replying to LO28091 --

Dear Jan and dear LOonies;-),

>Hello CLOwns,
>Remember: March 31st is also a new years eve. April 1st starts a fool new
>year! I was reminded by a company called Foolservice
>( http:/ ). And they send this story.
>Jolly New Year!

You are on most excellent form Mr. Jan Lelie.

There's a lovely phrase in Dante's Divine Comedy where he talks about
going somewhere, to a dark wood and returning 'to tell of what (he) found
there.' Maybe, maybe, mmmmmm. Jean Huston is quoted as pointing to play
where, " she seemed to use the term in the direction of play at the edges
of human knowledge and awareness..a spiritual level of play, enlightening
experiences of the cosmic dance. Complexity, chaos, wisdom and foolishness
abide there and occasionally a few souls experience that realm and return
to tell of it." So I have a question, what happens to these enlightened
souls who did not return? Jan, shall we send out search parties for those
who may have floated out of our 'current reality' zones into some better,
other world. How could we follow them. No footprints, no scent left.

Methinks that to 'act spontaneous', 'speak spontaneous' in 'good heart'
perhaps like our new friend Daan Joubert has exemplified for me of late
(On Time) is part and parcel, cake and eating of. A kind of projected
'creative collapse' as another did by opening his past with us. I recall
At de Lange exemplifying this once in a post that became a straw for some
camel's backs... too much, which now in the dark of all gathering around,
like the dear black crows of Vincent's gathering fields, indeed a moth was
enough...but now methinks it may be different. Maybe. Methink.

Jan, I am resending an image (-- Rick can place it for us on the web
please) that someone created 'spontaneous' a few years ago in a workshop.

First because of the synchronicity your post represents and second because
I used it just a few days ago to illustrate some fresh learning about
freed African (Indinka tribe) slaves in the then Dutch administered
America, who used to hammer nails into their coffins the shape of hearts
to proclaim "LEARN FROM OUR PAST" and third because it is a kind of
miracle that the random splashes of paint should create such a beautiful

Finally I want to tag on some research 'thinking' from the Beamish team at
Trinity Newfoundland. In it he relates the closeness of unlinear time to
the beauty and fitting into creation of creatures by the CREATOR or
care-Taker as he says it.

New suggestions for a

     The quality of communications for humans, for all Earth's biosphere and
potentially for other planetary life systems, appears now to have a
qualitative spectral range from the dominant use of signals, signs and
symbols, "Signal Based Communication" (SBC), to an encoding in rhythms,
"Rhythm Based Communication" (RBC); this range being in SBC, from ~100% to
~~0%. The spectrum includes a paradigm shift from conventional time to
concepts encompassing additional variables of "Rhythm Based Time"

... et al.). The apparent qualitative contrast for various communication
activities is the main point of this postscript. The progression is from
signals (SBC) to rhythms (RBC).

Language: 1) Encoding: a) audio, b) visual, c) other senses, d) combinations
of a, b, and c.;
2) Mainly "Signal Based Communication" (SBC);
3) Relatively high stress for transmitter (~9-10 on a qualitative scale of
4) Uses conventional time "t" including past and future;
5) Uses: syntax, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, nouns, pronouns et
6) Stress for listening receivers ~8-10;
7) "Language can be lies!";
8) Found for humans only.
  SBC without language:
1) Lacking "Rhythm Based Communication" (RBC);
2) Relatively high stress for transmitter (~9-10);
3) Stress fields include: a) territory, b) hierarchy, c) reproductive, d)
food / (money) and accumulation of goods, e) psychological;
4) Follows the postulates of Darwinian Evolutionary Theory;
5) Universal communication.
  Music with lyrics:
1) Communication as in language, including up to ~10% RBC (~90% SBC);
2) Stress for listening receivers lowering to ~8-9;
3) Humans only.
1) Communication as in language, with up to ~20% RBC (~80% SBC);
2) Stress for listening receivers lowering to ~7-8;
3) Humans only.
  Music with "poetic" lyrics:
1) Communication as in language, with up to ~30% RBC (~70% SBC);
2) Stress for listening receivers lowering to ~6-7;
3) Probably humans only.
  Rhythmic music and dancing:
1) Up to ~40% RBC;
2) Stress for listening receivers/dancers lowering to ~5-6;
3) Possibly many organisms.
  Rhythmic drumming:
1) Up to ~50% RBC;
2) Stress for listening receivers ~4-5;
3) Probably many organisms.
1) Up to ~60% RBC;
2) Stress reducing to ~3-4;
3) Possibly many organisms.
1) Up to ~70% RBC;
2) Stress reducing to ~2-3;
3) Probably many organisms.
  Sincere "mature" love (without libido): 1) Up to ~80% RBC;
2) Increasing altruism;
3) Increasing instantaneous communication of emotions;
4) Complete messages becoming independent of spacial separation;
5) Decreasing dishonesty;
6) Increase in "Synchronizations";
7) Humans et al.(?).
  Pure RBC:
1) Truthfulness (possibly 100%);
2) Stress very low;
3) Altruism becomes predominant;
4) Uses "Rhythm Based Time" (RBT) which remains always in the "present" (all
RBT is "NowTime");
5) Uses: declarative, interrogative, affirmative, negative, nouns, concepts
but no syntax;
6) "Irreducible complexity" systems (*) can develop (for example as described
by the biochemistry of: photosynthesis, cilium, bacterial flagellum, clotting
of blood, cellular defense mechanisms et al., all examples of non
evolutionary "complex systems");
7) Darwinian and neo-Darwinian evolutionary theories are phased out;
8) Communication of emotions heightens to account for unexplained phenomena
of the science of paranormal psychology;
9) Communication can become superluminal in RBT;
10) Metabolic rate reduces and thus life expectancy increases;
11) Survival mechanisms remain strong as organisms can revert rapidly
(because of the nature of RBC) to above, stressful, evolutionary, survival
states, when required. Thesis: Original communication, all organisms, all life
(*) Behe, Michael J., Darwin's Black Box, Touchstone (Simon & Schuster), New
York, 1998.
close citation of Ceta Research.

Can we see any joinedupnesses in this stuff LO'ookers
Love ,



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