Hard Work and Efficient Management = Success? LO28283

From: Ian Saunders (tpians@cix.co.uk)
Date: 04/23/02

Replying to LO28260 --

Hi At,

It is a long time since I have replied to any messages.

This one quickly gained my interest because you described a situation that
on the face of it seemed good, positive and forward looking and yet let a
big cloud of unease.

It seems to me from your description that the manager was indeed doing
many things right. Allowing time for questions, being well prepared etc.
AND it seems that he had already made up his mind about the style with
which he wanted to proceed. Hard work and perseverance.

In my opinion hard work and perseverance are valuable attributes and not
the only ones that have value. This is so because not everyone has them
naturally and in insisting that they predominate you exclude people with
out them. So his attempts to include his work force will have failed
because he paid too much attention to a limited set of traits or values.

When creating organisation cultures - in general - it is advantageous to
allow for a range of personal styles. This makes leading and managing more
difficult as most of us have a preference for a limited range of styles.
However the benefits of learning and being able to use a wider range of
styles [however you do it and one way is to have people around you who
provide complementary styles] will usually lead for better results.

Hard work and perseverance often lead to the exclusion of the unusual, the
unexpected and the maverick intend which in problematic situations is
often just what is needed to help move things forwards.

Focusing on hard work and perseverance to the exclusion of other
attributes is the easy and flawed way out of tough situations.

Best wishes

Ian Saunders

Transition Partnerships 01488 648278
"harnessing change for business advantage"



tpians@cix.co.uk (Ian Saunders)

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