Unconscious Competence LO28453

From: Richard Karash (Richard@Karash.com)
Date: 05/10/02

Replying to LO19547 --

 From a very old discussion here... Who is was the original creator of
the four-stage model:


We had a lot of talk about this in October 1998... See the starting message at


..and the replies are linked from there.

I now have this message from Linda Adams, president of Gordon
Training International...

Perhaps our mystery is solved!

   -=- Rick

>From: lindaadams
>To: "'rkarash@karash.com'" <rkarash@karash.com>
>Subject: The Learning Stages
>Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 12:44:13 -0700
>Dear Rick:
>We were recently asked by an author who is finishing up a book to confirm
>whether or not Dr. Thomas Gordon, our founder, was the originator of The
>Learning Stages. i.e., unconsciously unskilled, consciously unskilled,
>consciously skilled, unconsiously skilled.
>The model was developed by one of our employees and course developers in the
>1970's and first appeared in our Teacher Effectiveness Training Instructor
>Guide in the early 70's. It has been a part of all of our programs since
>that time. We have never added a fifth stage.
>For what it's worth.
>Best Regards,
>Linda Adams
>Gordon Training International
>Phone: 800.628.1197; 858.481.8121, x310
>Fax: 858.481.8125
>GTI - Celebrating 40 years of excellence in human relations training!


Richard Karash ("Rick") | <http://world.std.com/~rkarash> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | mailto:Richard@Karash.com "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <http://www.learning-org.com>

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