Individual Competence vs. Organizational Efficiency LO28883

From: Glebe Stcherbina (
Date: 07/23/02

Replying to LO28867 --

Replying to LO28867

Dear At and fellow Orglearners,

Thank you for providing a mathematical representation of a worldwide
problem which seems to be fluctuating as each business day passes. Perhaps
you could take your quantitative modelling one step further and construct
a model which allows an organization to identify the point of no return
when it is on a path of self destruction.

I know from experience that organizations do not have a self destruct
policy written into their business plan but it happens all too often to
organizations which fail to monitor their "internal pulse".

Not until we can equitably reward those who are prepared to contribute to
the advancement of their respective organizations as a whole rather than
their own self interest, will we be able to find a balance between
individual competence and organizational efficiency.

Best wishes and may the force be with you.

Glebe Stcherbina
Sydney, Australia

AM de Lange wrote:

> You have touched upon an important problem -- some individuals who exploit
> the organisation for personal means so much that many others in the
> organisation suffer as a result of it.
> As I see it, the fundamental reason why any organisation is created, is
> to enhance the creativity of each of its members. It can be expressed
> symbolically as follows. Let the organisation have N members. Let the
> creativity of the members be C(1), C(2), C(3),...., C(N-2), C(N-1)
> and C(N). The sum of their creativities is
> [C(1) + C(2) + C(3) +....+ C(N-2) + C(N-1) + C(N)]
> Imagine the organisation has a creativity symbolised by C(org). It can
> be expressed by the "power law"
> C(org) = [C(1) + C(2) + C(3) +....+ C(N-2) + C(N-1) + C(N)]^n
> The exponent n tells how organised the individuals have become.


Glebe Stcherbina <>

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