"In a word: LEARNING" (NOT = "training") LO29460

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@postino.up.ac.za)
Date: 11/05/02

Replying to LO29428 --

Dear Organlearners,

Barry Mallis <theorgtrainer@earthlink.net> writes:

>Is "training" a higher level abstraction of learning? May
>or may not learning occur in the act of training?

Greetings dear Barry,

I am not sure here because English is not my mother tongue. But from
the many books and papers which I have studied, noting from which
countries their authors operated, it seems to me that English speaking
countries (except America) used learning and training in the following
sense. Leaning was used for academic schooling whereas training was
used for physical excercise as well practical vocations. But is seems
that in America, especially in the case of adults, the word training has
displaced the word learning to a large extent.

>Can one also propose that although one learns, and
>can recount a learning, there is a practical, manifested
>component to certain learnings wherein the learning's
>APPLICATION occupies a foremost position?

Many people have the notion that learning proceeds along the
following order:- reading up information, then "interiorising" it and
afterwards finding applications for it. But following this order in a
complex science like chemistry is fatal to the majority of students.
They have much better success by at least me demonstrating some
doing for them while they observe what then happens. (Large
lecturing halls make it impossible to let them do it self.) Afterwards
i lead them by questions to speculate on what has happened, how
it happend and why it happened. In other words, i try to let them
work from praxis to theory and not the otherway around. Only
afterwards are they in a strong position to find new applications
for what they have learned.

In Afrikaans we use the word "opleiding"=training, but i do not
like to use training for the following reason. We also have the word
"afrigting"=training which is used for training animals. Making students
memorise information and then finding applications for it is for me
almost like training animals. They are not allowed their own creative
thinking on their observations.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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