The Disposition of Information LO29553

From: syntagm (
Date: 11/22/02

Replying to LO29544 --

HelLO all

Perhaps we should not define definable as undefinable?

chris K

>From: "Benjamin Compton" <>
> You write:
> "As for me, i have written repeatedly that i avoid using definitions
> because it prevents the evolution of my thoughts."
> Which I find interesting, because I've held to a life-long belief that all
> each word -- with the exception of pronouns -- define a concept. Therefore
> the better one can define a word, the more clearly one can think.
> You seem to be saying that by avoiding definitions, your thoughts are more
> free to evolve. But if you don't use definitions, then how do you know
> what you're thinking at all? How do you conceptualize -- integrate
> abstractions -- without definitions?


"syntagm" <>

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