Mental Chains LO29650

From: deming (
Date: 12/04/02

Replying to LO29619 --

Dear Andrew,

DP's note reminded me that I need to answer your calling or invitation.

I couldn't remember what does "today" means for me.

I read your mail in China. In a "meeting" in a manufacturing-services for

In some other "today' I visited one of Hong Kong's Nike shops and much
to learn to see the Whole.

A Nike generation friend asked me what is "great" in Henry Moore's
"thinking" near City Hall.

Some other day, I realized themeaning of 'gallery" in golf.

In Taipei, I used to forget a square garden in front of me and plowing in
my own English data base. I also learned that I need to skip many messages
to learn.

Some hours ago before the sleep, I learnt Ivan Illich past away. I missed
his Pandora's Box metaphor in the De-Schooling Society.

I like to say good day to you.



"deming" <>

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