Knowledge management and Learning organizations LO29959

Date: 03/03/03

Replying to LO29948 --

Dear CEOJI and others,

My assumption: 'Organisational knowledge' is that identifiable part of
organisational life which continues to develop with use.

Under this assumption, management of knowledge would refer to the
identification of knowledges (really knowledge candidates, which may turn
out to be not knowledge at all) within the organisation and putting them
to some kind of use and observing (and facilitating) their development
processes that might happen through use. (I think, many organisational
initiatives might fit this description.)

Organisational learning perhaps refers to a more fundamental process. At
some risk, let me propose the following: How knowledge develops through
use depends upon its underlying organisation. For example, musical
knowledge is perhaps organised differently from medical knowledge. My
point is: The way musical knowledge develops through use is different from
the way medical knowledge develops through use. Both these might be
markedly different from how a child improves his/her knowledge of cycling
by using his/her knowledge of cycling. An 'organisational learning'
happens when the child realises that the same knowledge improvment
mechanism cannot be easily transferred to another domain (such as
knowledge of insects) and successfully establishes another improvement

Therefore, organisational learning becomes a shift in the underlying
mechanism that links knowledge and its use so as to create a developmental
pressure on that knowledge.

Sorry for sounding somewhat pedantic. I will need more time to present it
in a simpler way. But, I hope, this helps your inquiry.


ceoji singh <> wrote:

>I am caught up in this milieu of how to differentiate between between a
>Knowledge management initiative and a learning organization initiative.
>Could anyone give me practical examples or pointers to relevant stuff.


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