Working Smarter vs. Working Harder LO30231

Date: 06/03/03

Replying to LO30220, which included:

>The work (how, why, and when) needs to flow from a
>organizational strategy. Building a company with great worker/management
>relation does not guarantee success or even a great product and I
>personally feel that the focus on that is only focusing on the symptoms.

Should work really be based on organizational strategy? If we get an
insight about how to improve the strategy, what do we do? Because then
the current strategy is at odds with the envisioned strategy--what is the
foundation for making a decision to change the strategy? It seems it
would only be something 'deeper' than strategy.

Should work be based on relationships? What happens when people leave or
get laid off, or are on vacation? How can I stay aware of relationships
while I need to focus on the paper for which I have a deadline? What if
I'm a sole proprietor (which I am)? I have no one else in the company to
focus on.

I have not heard a good suggestion as to what could possibly be the basis
for true continuous improvement in work. It needs to be something that is
always present in experience, which excludes strategies and relationships
and skills. What candidates that are always present could be useful?
With this question I hope to start a real inquiry.

Steve Randall, Ph.D.
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