Organization Design Forum - Conference Summary LO30356

Date: 07/10/03

In April, 2003, the Organization Design Forum sponsored its annual
conference, a hugely successful event.  The theme of the conference was
"Beyond Structure:  Strategic Organization Alignment".  We would like to
take this opportunity to provide a summary of the sessions. The summary of
all of the conference sessions is available at the Organization Design
Forum's website at <A HREF=""></A>

The Organization Design Forum is a non-profit, professional society
dedicated to advancing the theory and praction of organization design.  It
is a world-wide association of practitioners and business leaders who,
regardless of job title or label, share an interest in the field. One of
the key benefits of the Forum is a strong network of colleagues who have
common areas of interest and dialogue regarding the discipline of
organization design. 

The conference summary will give you a good sense of the types of
professionals the Forum attracts.  Additional information about the
Organization Design Forum is available at the website as well.

Feel free to pass this message onto others who might be interested in the
conference summary or the Forum itself.

Thank you in advance.


E. Craig McGee, Ph.D.
President, Organization Design Forum


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