Reconciliation and Forgiveness LO30515

From: Barry Mallis (
Date: 08/27/03

Replying to LO30495 --


Some ten weeks ago or so, I was blessed in my home with the presence of
Jean-Baptiste Habyalimana, President of the National Unity and
Reconciliation Commission of the Republic of Rwanda. He is currently in
the second year of his three year term as head of the Commission. When he
came to my Rotary club to speak, he presented a fascinating picture of the
obstacles and countermeasures that are a part of his own country's journey
into a better future.

Next year marks the tenth anniversary of the slaughter in his country,
when a million people died in less than three months. Jean-Baptiste was
here in New England along with 59 other people from some of the most
human-troubled places on our small planet. All were sharing their
experiences at World Learning (also known as the School for International
Training, or S.I.T.) in Brattleboro, Vermont.

My wife and I were graced by his presence for one night; we live in New
Hampshire, not far from S.I.T. May we suggest that you contact him in
Rwanda? While he does speak English, writing to him in French would be
much appreciated, I'm sure. If you wish, I'd be happy to forward to you
his email address "off line." He would surely be an intriguing and vital
source for your inquiries and expression.

With love,



Barry Mallis The Organizational Trainer 110 Arch St., #27 Keene, NH 03431-2167 USA voice: 603 352-5289 FAX: 603 357-2157 cell: 603 313-3636 email: website:

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