McMaster World Congress LO30851

From: chris macrae (
Date: 12/22/03

Back in June I recall Nick Bontis announcing the congress - would be
interested to know if any LO'ers are attending congress Jan14 -16 in
Hamilton -perhaps we could have a fringe party if so - eg tell me at and I will collate details of allcomers

I'm speaking at the corporate governance track along the lines that
whole systemization of trust-flow and the intangibles relationship
infrastructure of a firm needs a second, transparently different
governance system of short-term numbers and the business cases they

What we now know is that an organisational system's deepest long-term
purpose is eroded by short-term numbers quarterly cut by cut unless a
conflict resolution audit protects the system every quarter. Failing
to govern relationship systems means that many of the world's biggest
organisations in Harrison Owen's words can no longer do what they were
designed to do- NASA cant do safety; Andersen cant count; Barings
couldn't trust a gentleman's word and so on. For global 1000 orgs, the
5 years differential opportunity/risk of systemizing your greatest
purpose appears to be worth about 10 billion - hence our first
brochure on the 10 billion dollar audit which we invite any
concerned systems people to tell us how they would like to
co-represent as the maths is all open source

Happy Xmas
Chris Macrae


"chris macrae" <>

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