Strategic Conversation LO30966

From: Ian (
Date: 02/19/04

Replying to LO25668 --


I am a semi-retired org. develop consultant, and have gone back to
'school' with a bee in my bonnet - strategic conversation.

It's interesting that there is so much noise about it, yet it remains
undefined and un-measurable,

People are making money teaching the stuff, and getting results in
many cases. However - how can we honestly accept money for something
so cloudy.

So I have returned to academia (never too old to learn) to complete my
PhD (organisational psychology) on just that - strategic conversation.
And it's been a fascinating journey - with about 6 months to go as I
start to write up the results.

I have so far
  a.. used expert groups to define strategic conversation
  b.. used expert groups to converge on a construct
  c.. used printed research material to arrive at a construct
  d.. fortunately the two constructs supported each other
  e.. created a model of SC and where it fits with moderators (volume
controls I call them) and mediators (switches)
  f.. assembled an instrument to measure SC and its likelihood to
succeed (the moderators and mediators)
  g.. assembled a program to improve SC skills -
  h.. conducted a snap-shot or cross-sectional study of the instrument
to link it with performance
  i.. am now doing longitudinal test (action research) with
participant organisations - that addresses SC and moderators/mediators

The participants have weekly meetings, and the feedback on experiences
is now becoming the highlight of my week. It's working.
Furthermore, it rubs off into other areas of life - e.g. the family.

It will be some months before I have a report that is fit for reading,
but if you wish, and let me know where to email it, I will send a

I am also interested in anything you are doing.

There's just something about putting those two words together that
holds promise - 'strategic' & 'conversation'

Ian Johnson.
(Griffith University - Queensland - Australia)


"Ian" <>

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