Strategic Conversation LO30976

Date: 02/24/04

Replying to LO30966 --


Until this piqued my interest, I was a new lurker..

>From Ian <> on 19 Feb 2004:

> gone back to 'school' with a bee in my bonnet - strategic conversation.

> the feedback on experiences is now becoming the highlight of my week.
> It's working. Furthermore, it rubs off into other areas of life -
> e.g. the family.
> It will be some months before I have a report that is fit for reading,
> but if you wish, and let me know where to email it, I will send a
> copy.

> There's just something about putting those two words together that
> holds promise - 'strategic' & 'conversation'

Fascinating. Please add me to your notify list.

[Host's Note: Ian, I also hope you'll mention it here on the
learning-org list. ..Rick]

> I am also interested in anything you are doing.
> Ian Johnson.
> (Griffith University - Queensland - Australia)

I'm doing little of my own in-depth study yet, but I'm growing
interested in how neuro-computing, control theory, and complex
sensory/perceptual feedback loops can be used to model, and at least
seemingly explain, most if not all 'life' behavior, including human
thought, communication, even unorthodox economics. I've found little
windfalls to such work yet, except in cybernetics, robotics, and
tracking studies, but it captivates me as a software designer.

Strategic Conversation is new to me, but intrigues me for related
reasons, not the least of which is my young family.

Please share a few introductory resources, esp online, via public or

Jim Beardsley
Software professional
Ohio USA



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