Hurt in Organisations. LO30986

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 02/27/04

Replying to LO30971 --

Dear Organlearners,

Winfried Dressler wrote:

>Dear At and all,
>> Agape love and hurt cannot be mixed...
>Driver of hurt: Uncompleted creations of the past.
>How to overcome? How to end? How to start?
>How to complete? How to find? How to heal?
>What would Agape Love do?

Greetings dear Winfried,

Than you for responding from time to time. You make short statements
and ask short questions, but each goes very deep.

Some while ago i read that Goethe once said to the effect that the
behaviour of an ignorant person is frightening. I cannot remember who
said it, but i also read some while ago that the most ignorant person
is that person ignorant of his/her own ignorance.

I think that the main cause of hurt in organisations is ignorance,
i.e., the lack of learning. I have met only a few people in my life
who were deliberately evil in their intentions and actions. So i think
they play only a minor role.

The learning we are greatly in need of is that when walking in another
person's shoes. Stop thinking about oneself and begin to connect to
other people in a honest manner -- feel what they feel and think what
they think.

With love agape we seek only the best for other people, even if we
have to suffer ourselves. Although such suffering hurts, the joy of
those when getting such best makes up for it.

With care and best wishes,


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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