After Action Report LO31016

From: Tony Barrett (
Date: 03/05/04

Dear Org learners:

James Fallows in The Atlantic Monthly (Jan-Feb 2004, pp. 52-73) wrote
an analysis of how the war and occupation of Iraq was "planned." I
wonder if others on this list have read "Blind into Baghdad" and wish
to discuss this "after action report." Unfortunately, there is not a
free link to this article. So unless you have a subscription and/or
you want pay, you must go a library to get a photocopy. Like any war
and occupation, this event will be studied for years to come from what
went right and what went wrong. Fallows tells a remarkable story about
a group of men who already made up their minds in spite of U.S. expert
agencies warnings.

Best regards from snowy North Idaho,

Tony Barrett


"Tony Barrett" <>

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