At de Lange LO31043

From: Syntagm (
Date: 04/20/04

Dear LO members and friends of At

I have just spoken to At and would like to convey to you his warmest
and kindest regards. He asked me to pass the following information
onto to those of you who may be interested:

The University of Pretoria (his employer) recently approved his
application to go on earlier retirement due to his deteriorating
health. They agreed after having rejected the application a few times
before. To everyone shock and dismay the administrators of his
retirement fund turned the application down. At's health continued to
deteriorate and several people (most notably the head of his
department) took the fund administrators on, and reason (and sanity)
prevailed in the end. Another shock followed which did not help much
with his health. The amount of money that he was to retire with fell
significantly short of his expectations. An "angel descended from
heaven" (I am sure At will tell you about her in some future post) and
send them back twice to recalculate. They admitted to making serious
mistakes on both occassions. This is a matter of great (not 'grave',
if you will allow me to miss that pun) concern to everyone here who is
too close for comfort to retirement. The saga though, continues.

At is now at home, albeit without a computer and feels cut-off from
his friends and the much loved LO-community. I hope that we will be
able to have him linked up in the very near future. Until then I will
collect the odd diskette from him as often as I can and submit some
posts on his behalf.

Kind regards to all

Chris Klopper

[Host's Note: Chris, thank you for keeping us up to date. Please
give At our best wishes! ..Rick]


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