AI Conference Special Invitation LO31161

From: Gabriel Shirley (
Date: 09/13/04

Dear Richard, [Forwarded to LO list by your host. ..Rick]

BigMindMedia is currently involved in a very special project I would
like to share with you. It's the Second International Conference on
Appreciative Inquiry -- Online.

If you are already familiar with Appreciative Inquiry (AI), you
probably know that it is one of the leading edge methods to create
positive organizational change. It has been used successfully in
multi-national and local business, non-profit and community
organizations, and government. It's one of those magical approaches
that scales from a project basis to whole systems change. This
conference is a unique opportunity to learn about AI, to interact with
some of the world's leading AI facilitators and with organizational
leaders who will tell their stories of using Appreciative Inquiry in
specific situations.

The face-to-face conference will be held in Miami, FL Sept 19-22, and
the corresponding Virtual Conference runs concurrently, with preview
access available today and post-conference access available through
the end of October. BigMindMedia has created the online environment,
and though I'm a bit biased, I must say it's one of the best I've seen

This is my personal invitation to you to join us in the fun.
Registration is just $99 for students and people from developing
nations and $149 for everyone else. I would also appreciate your
forwarding this invitation to friends and colleagues who may be

Register here:

Online Conference Preview:
Flyer for distribution:

Many thanks!


Gabriel Shirley -
Founder and Partner
BigMindMedia -

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>

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