Empowerment LO13086

Tue, 1 Apr 1997 21:15:57 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO13071 --

Terri Deems recently responded to another posting about empowerment. She
posed these questions

So a few questions to throw out (understanding that at least some of these
do touch on ground covered periodically last year; my apologies to those
who are tired of the discussion):

IS empowerment enough?
How might an "empowered" workforce be different from an "emancipated" one,
if at all?
Are democratic work processes the same or different from solidarity? Is
it possible to really have authenticity and equity within the workplace?


Terri, some related thoughts and not necessarily responses to your

>From my perspective, empowerment is not an end in itself or a goal.
Instead, it is a strategy, technique or tool that results in the a more
effective or successful organization. The purpose of empowerment is
better implementation of efforts to improve. When organizations and
individuals focus on empowerment itself, power and control becomes the

Skipping to the last issue, God I hope it is possible to have authenticity
and equity within the workplace. I yearn and long for it. I also am
aware of my responsibility to cause it to happen. If I want to live in an
authentic work environment, I must contribute to it by acting authentic.
I try to, but I don't always have the courage and energy to do so.

As I act authentically, I need to be sensitive enough to the surroundings
not to act foolishly. I must realize the nature and politics of the
culture surrounding me and move in a fashion that allows me to shape and
affect the culture.

Conversations, or more specifically, dialogue around the questions you
posed are healthy for business, education, and other organizations.

David Wilkinson
School Improvement Specialist
Des Moines Public Schools



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