JIT and Knowledge Building LO16495

Fred Nickols (nickols@worldnet.att.net)
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 10:46:47 +0000

Replying to Doug Jones in LO16449 --

>The benefits of JIT in the manufacturing arena are well known; but, what
>about in the knowledge building arena? I throw this question out to the
>LO list in the hopes of generating some discussion. We could all wait
>to meet and discuss this at some future "batch processing" conference;
>however, I would prefer your JIT response.

It strikes me that these lists are exactly that, Doug, a just-in-time
(JIT) knowledge distribution capability. E-mail, in general, offers this
same capability, but with much less focus. A list service such as this,
where knowledgeable people hang out, enhances the basic e-mail mechanism.
Experts on call is one way of looking at it. "Caveat emptor" still
appplies, of course.


Fred Nickols
The Distance Consulting Company


Fred Nickols <nickols@worldnet.att.net>

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