JIT and Knowledge Building LO16558

William Buxton (wbuxton@hns.com)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 10:20:10 -0500

Replying to LO16524 --

Doug Jones did a very nice summary post and posed the big question again:
" ... how to build structures/systems to answer these (and many many
others) questions."

I'd like to add a comment a question:

There are two related aims for all of this: (1) helping
individuals get up to speed on how things are done now, (2) helping
organizations adapt--develop new ways of getting things done. [By
"organization" I mean groups of people, not a separate living entity.] In
the first case, the JIT idea means getting access to existing know-how, as
in OJT. The second case is more a matter of creative problem solving.

I wonder how much of an intervention in this area is likely to be
_building_ structures/systems vs _unbuilding_ things that get in the way.
Increasing the things that help vs decreasing the things that hurt. Is
building is more likely the key in getting individuals up to speed? Is
unbuilding more likely the key in helping organizations to adapt?

Bill Buxton


"William Buxton" <wbuxton@hns.com>

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