Power and Leadership LO16560

Dale Emery (dale@dhemery.com)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 11:05:39 -0800

Replying to LO16544 --


I have never been to Oshry's workshops. I highly recommend his books.
This one was available in bookstores a few years ago: Seeing Systems:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life. Barry Oshry. San
Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1995. ISBN: 1-881052-73-7.

Seeing Systems is one of my all-time favorite books about organizations.
Woven through the book is a detailed description of some of the events and
dynamics of one of the workshops (or perhaps an amalgam of many
workshops). I highly recommend it.

One way to get more information about Seeing Systems is from Oshry's

Power & Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 990288
Prudential Station
Boston MA 02199-0288 USA

Phone: +1 (617) 437-1640

E-mail: BOSHRY18@aol.com

(I got this contact information from page 208 of Seeing Systems.)

I also highly recommend Oshry's other books, available directly from
Power & Systems:

Space Work

In the Middle

The Possibilities of Organization


Dale H. Emery
E-mail: dale@dhemery.com
Web: www.dhemery.com

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