teaching vs training LO17907

Fred Nickols (nickols@worldnet.att.net)
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 10:59:36 +0000

Replying to Kathy Smith in LO17895 --

> What is the opinion of members of this list on the following matters?
> From a learning organization perspective, is there a difference
> between "teaching" and "training"?

Opinions regarding the difference are probably legion; the likelihood that
those who share their opinions will do so from a shared meaning of
"learning organization perspective" is remote, so I'll simply share my
opinion without regard for perspective.

One importance difference between the two terms is that to which they
refer. "Teaching" refers to the actions of a teacher in a context where
learning is the aim of the activity. The learners might or might not be
active as well. "Training" rarely refers to the actions of a trainer.
Instead, it most often refers to events such as seminars and workshops,
but also includes programs that are based on self-study materials. In an
oblique way, your question touches on the difference between education and
training, a contentious issue and one that has never been resolved.

> Also, how inclusive is the concept of "learner"? Are there differences
> in who gets to learn what kind of information (in theory? in
> practice?)?

In an organizational setting, who gets trained and who doesn't -- and why
-- is a fertile area for the curious and the observant. Training is
sometimes a reward and often a remedy. In some situations, training is a
prerequisite to being allowed to undertake certain tasks. Officers,
especially senior officers hardly ever receive training (at least not in
ways that are visible to others). Training in a company's financial
workings is often restricted to a chosen few, whereas it is not uncommon
for all new employees (regardless of rank) to be "dipped" in the holy
waters of new-hire orientation training.

I am confident others will provide additional examples so I'll stop here.

Having answered your questions, Kathy, I'll ask one of my own:

Why do you ask?


Fred Nickols
The Distance Consulting Company

"The Internet offers the best graduate-level education
to be found anywhere."


Fred Nickols <nickols@worldnet.att.net>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>