Intro -- Mario Vasquez LO18583

Tue, 7 Jul 1998 21:03:26 -0500

Hi everybody,

I am studying a masters in Technology Management, and there is where I was
exposed to the term Learning Organization by the very first time. I was an
astonishing shock, I began my studies with the idea of finding a better
way of exploiting knowledge and find it was really a key issue.

My basic interest are Knowledge management systems with indicators, We (me
a two other students) structured a research team in that subject for our

We have been working using the systemic approach and we have the first set
of indicators for our system. We are also trying to create a model (using
system dynamics) of an organization good enough to test our indicators and
foster the evolution of our research.

Any comment or suggestion will be more than welcome.

Best Regards,

Mario L Vasquez
Student Pontificia Bolivariana University
Medellin - Colombia - South America



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