The "deemster" problem LO19315
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 22:05:50 -0400

Replying to LO19154 --

This will be my first post to this list and my first ever. My name is
Babs Ausherman and I work as Director of Staff Development in a hospital
setting. I have been an official "lurker" of this list since February of
this year.

I have been mulling At's post (plus all of the subsequent posts) for over
a week. My first reaction was that I often don't have the time to do
anything more than "lurk". In fact, I cannot tell you how many
interruptions have arisen since then to keep me from sitting down and
composing these few lines.

Of course, a few other thoughts have come to me as I come to this point in
time to write this. The first question that comes to mind is how many of
the "interruptions" I identify above did I self-create? That definitely
is an issue of fear. But more seriously is the fact that I do have
multiple responsibilities that I seek to meet. These responsibilities
include that of being a wife, a parent, a grandparent, a daughter of an
aging and ailing parent, plus working in my career. I am not saying that
I would wish away any of my responsibilities, but rather that each area
deserves attention, as do I. This reflects the complexity many of us face
in our daily lives. Making the effort to write a thoughtful reply is
important, yet is time consuming.

And yes, fear of looking stupid and being "deemed" as stupid have been
major issues throughout my life. The strength of these fears subside as I
age. I have come to understand that if I don't start getting done some of
the things that I have always wanted to do, I will die regretting that
fact. I do not wish end my life that way. In fact, I try to live each
day now, knowing that I have tried something or done something that
stretched me. Hence, this post is today's effort.

And now I stand at the end of this short note wondering how I put my email
address in the right format. Here goes.

Glad to join the crowd,

Babs Ausherman <>

[Host's Note: Thanks for this note, Babs. The address format looks just
fine. ...Rick]


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