LO and Quality initiatives LO19314

Nick Arnett (listbot@mccmedia.com)
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:15:38 -0700

Replying to LO19105 --

At 05:05 PM 9/19/98 -0700, d.l.dwiggins@computer.org wrote:
>Nick Arnett writes:
>> You're describing this in terms of natural selection, which I don't think
>> tells the whole story. Natural selection is pure competition.
>Not quite; there's commensalism and symbiosis as well (e.g., the well-known
>example of the clownfish and the sea anemone). There are larger patterns as
>well, where species effectively create niches for others.

While it is true that they exist, they are in no way part of natural
selection, in which the only rule is survival. Evidence of collaboration
indicates the incompleteness of natural selection.



Nick Arnett <listbot@mccmedia.com>

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