LOs in Higher Ed LO19401

Artur F. Silva (artsilva@individual.eunet.pt)
Mon, 05 Oct 1998 13:11:33 +0100

Replying to LO19396

At 22:41 03-10-1998 -0700, Doc wrote:

>Realizing that the university is a metasystem containing multitudes of
>interconnecting organizations...I would invite you to consider only those
>that you're most involved with. Why should they learn? Are they learning
>already? What does it mean to be an organization that learns (within the
>context of MSU)? Is there any reason to believe that the University isn't

Good question; I would propose a second one : Is there any reason to
believe that the University is learning ? Try also the plural : Is there
any reason to believe that Universities are learning ?

>And, finally, (with tongue in cheek, of course) are the concepts
>"education" and "learning" possibly mutually exclusive.

One of my students made a comparison between LOs and Universities; she
concluded that they are almost the contrary !!! I am going to see if I
have that comparison in digital format and can send it to the list.




"Artur F. Silva" <artsilva@individual.eunet.pt>

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