CLOs/CIOs/CKOs LO22285

Robin Lackey (
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 07:47:15 -0500

Replying to LO22275 --


I greatly appreciate the points you and others have made recently. What
I'm starting to find as I undertake my interviews with CLO's, is that
ideally, the position must be very much supported by the top brass in
order to be effective. And, the phenomenon of organizational members
thinking learning is someone else's job (whether there's a position
embodying it or not), is one of the fundamental issues a CLO must address,
and work to change. In a sense, this is the crux of the position. And, it
doesn't seem to work without visible, top support.

Maybe all this is why there aren't more CLO's yet.

Just my early impressions.


>Thank you for clarifying the differences. That was very, very helpful.
>We don't have CLOs and CKOs, per se, in higher ed, though one could argue
>that chief executive and instructional officers share some of the same
[Big snip by your host...]


Robin Lackey <>

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