The Form of Knowledge (2) (Tacit Dimension revisited) LO25993

From: Winfried und Kirstin Dressler (
Date: 01/27/01

Replying to LO25982 --

>you made your point...

The context of this thread makes me wonder about this phrase, which we do
not know in German.

Are you making points like scoring in a game - the one with the most points
being the winner?
But exploration does not allow for winners or losers?

Is the point like the nothing embedded in the all?
Is the point the logically "true" stepping stone inmidst the marsh of all
that's not true?
But one couldn't POSSESS such a point as being mine or yours?

Or is it the point of "point of view" - perspective?
But one couldn't MAKE such a perspective?

The deeper I try to question my tacit knowing, the less sure I become that
knowledge could sensibly appear in the form of a point.

Liebe Gruesse,


-- (Winfried und Kirstin Dressler)

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