Change Management in a Learning Organization LO26821

From: Bill Harvey (
Date: 06/18/01

Hi Richard:
Would like to post the following to see what the experts might come up with.

Hi All:
I need to come up with a "change management" exercise that concludes a
week of training for consultants who will be consultant with five managers
to help them grow the business and the people. They have been taught
things like communication skills, how to implement and monitor "things" as
a consultant. What they have not dealt with is the business of change.
They set up annual plans, monthly plans, etc, then a store burns down and
there goes the profit projections, or something as simple as scheduling
visits for about 10-15 people every month, and visits have to be re-done.
Need something fun, yet serious enough get the point across. They have
been at this for five days and this is the last exercise on day 5 before a
course review and graduation.
Last point. These consultants come from all over the world in groups of
15 to 25. Language, culture, etc, can be an issue if the exercise is
drilled down to much.
Any ideas in the next 24-36 hours would be appreciated.
Bill Harvey


"Bill Harvey" <>

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